by Chris Hunter


S5 E3 Stearns Blog Image

Howdy, Ags! Today, we have the president, owner, and founder of Stearns Design-Build, Hugh Stearns! In this episode, Hugh shares with us why he is passionate about designing and building residential spaces to create health and happiness. We are grateful to have Hugh with us on the show, and we are excited about his future projects ahead!


Quality, Happy Homes

Design is not just for aesthetics – it is something built with a purpose to make lives easier. Hugh is passionate about designing and building happy homes that improve the quality of life. Having a background in Psychology, Hugh read that people who know when the sun rises and sets consistently report that they are happier than those who don’t. The same thing is also applicable to moon phases. Bearing that in mind, Hugh incorporated that in developing his designs when he started his company, thus the tagline “designing happiness.” In architecture, the psychology of space heavily lies in the details of how they are organized. Users are always given high consideration as it is always the cardinal rule to design for people. For Hugh, the home is a family’s hearth and sanctuary – the center of their life. Hugh believes that getting to that center and focusing on the things that create connections for them, that is, with nature and people, is a way to overcome the angst of modernity.


About Hugh Stearns:

Hugh ran Stearns Design-Build as a one-person operation when he founded it in 1993. He has been the first employee in virtually every position in the company. He grew up in College Station and Bryan and graduated from Texas A&M.

His background in philosophy and psychology has helped develop the design theory that drives the company’s unique approach to residential design and green building. He took his first class in green building in 1976 and has remained a student of building science ever since. His passion for remodeling and custom home design is a large part of what has driven our growth and award-winning recognition for customer service. When you meet with Hugh, he will answer any questions you have, explain how our process works, and discuss what you would like to do with your remodeling project.



Outline of the Episode:

[00:00] Intro

[02:50] Elevator Pitch

[03:49] Being Detail-Oriented

[07:46] Tipping Point To Accelerate

[09:32] Biggest Challenge

[14:04] Industry Changes

[18:36] BHAG

[22:04] Lightning Round

[25:27] Contact / Outro





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About the Author: Chris Hunter

Chris is the co-owner of Marketing Heroes, an agency that specializes in helping businesses grow their online presence through strategic marketing initiatives such as SEO, PPC, and Social Media Ads. He also owns, a specialized agency that helps roofing companies generate leads and sales through the 4R Roofing Marketing System. Chris recently published his first book, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Roofers,” in June 2022, which provides a comprehensive guide to help roofing companies enhance their digital marketing strategies. In addition to his professional pursuits, Chris is a dedicated father to his three children, Kenneth, Matthew, and Emma. He enjoys pursuing his hobbies of brewing beer, cooking BBQ, backpacking, and woodworking in his free time. Chris’s passion for marketing, combined with his entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to family, make him an exceptional business leader and well-rounded individual.



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