Categories: RoofingSites

by Chris Hunter


Whether a roofer is just starting their business, trying to grow it, or developing it with an exit retirement goal in mind, great marketing is a crucial element required to make all that happen.

Marketing involves much more than just placing a few ads; without skillful, effective marketing, no roofer can accomplish the rest.

Unfortunately, many roofers make common marketing mistakes that can detract from their businesses instead of building them up.

With an understanding of marketing and the proper marketing plan, roofers can achieve their business goals by getting more significant results from less effort and expense.

What Are Some Common Marketing Mistakes Roofers Make?

One of the biggest marketing mistakes that roofers make today is attempting to compete in their service areas solely on price.

In fact, competing based on price rather than value will likely result in fewer sales for most contractors.

Instead, competitive roofers must market the value their service provides for the customer without focusing on price.

People do choose higher-priced contractors once they understand the value they are receiving and how it is more significant than what a lower-priced offer provides.

An excellent way for roofers to illustrate the value they provide for their customers is with content marketing and other marketing efforts that educate the public and help them understand the value they should seek.

How Can Roofers Improve Marketing To Get Better Results?

Beyond avoiding the most common marketing mistakes that roofers tend to make, roofing company owners should also look for other ways to improve their marketing results through focus.

Choosing a niche is vital for roofers servicing competitive marketing areas.

By serving a niche, whether residential roofing, solar and energy-efficient systems, or even historic installations and repairs, roofers will see more significant results from their online marketing because they have separated themselves from the bulk of the other contractors.

Incorporating these types of focuses in marketing ads gets more attention for the roofer and more sales in their specific niche.

Watch and Learn More About Marketing the Right Way

In this week’s Roofer Growth Hacks episode, Chris from speaks with Russ Stephens, Co-Founder of the Association of Professional Builders, about how roofers can achieve their business goals with better marketing and a clear understanding of the importance of good marketing.

Benefit From Great Marketing By Doing Marketing Right

In a competitive service area, effective digital marketing is a vital resource for roofing contractors hoping to generate more sales and grow their companies to achieve their lifelong business goals.

The key to getting the best results from every marketing dollar invested is knowing how to do marketing in the most beneficial ways.

Learn about digital marketing for roofers in this week’s informative episode or by contacting Chris at to learn more.

Schedule a free marketing call with Chris while there and don’t forget to download a copy of his book, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Roofers,” by clicking here!

Struggling To Understand Digital Marketing for Roofing Companies?

Get The Help You Need at!

Call 888-308-2168 To Learn More!

The post Getting Your Marketing Right with Russ Stephens! first appeared on

Categories: RoofingSites

About the Author: Chris Hunter



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