Categories: RoofingSites

by Chris Hunter


A marketing detail that many roofers struggle with is social media.

Over the past few years, social media has gone from simply a social tool used by friends and family to a crucial marketing tool used by businesses of all kinds hoping to reach their targeted customer base.

This goes for local roofers as well, as social media platforms today like Facebook, Instagram, and others are where they can most easily find local customers.

In 2024, social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools out there, so roofing company owners must understand their value, learn how to leverage them with their other marketing efforts, and make them a part of their overall marketing strategy.

How Do Roofers Use Social Media?

The biggest question many roofing company owners have when considering implementing social media into their digital marketing is what they should post.

Fortunately, the answer to that question is not as challenging as many roofers initially believe it to be.

The best way to leverage social media accounts and attract local followers is to post things that a potential roofing customer would want to see.

In fact, the number one thing roofers should post on their social media pages is the testimonials and excellent customer reviews collected on their Google Business listings.

Jobsite photos are another great thing for roofers to post, as are employee recognition posts.

Social media is also a great place to connect other marketing tools by posting links to blog posts and videos.

These posts work double-time to attract new attention to the business on their social media while also enhancing efforts to rank organically on Google.

How Can Roofers Actively Use Social Media?

A critical factor for getting the best results with social media is that it must be used actively to gain any traction.

That means daily posts, as opposed to a post every so often with little activity in between.

A marketing plan that includes daily, weekly, and monthly postings of various types of shorter and longer form content performs the best in getting followers’ attention and offering them interesting and memorable content.

Using a convenient social media scheduling app, this can all be easily accomplished without spending hours a day working on social media posts.

See How to Harness the Power of Social Media

In this month’s information-packed roofer’s marketing workshop, Chris from delves deep into social media, how it works, and how roofers should be using it to enhance their marketing to get more sales.

Roofers Can Build A Successful Marketing Strategy

Although many roofing contractors may question their need to use these platforms, social media is the missing link that will complete their marketing strategy and bring everything full circle.

With some great insight on the best methods for leveraging social media, any roofer can appreciate expanded brand awareness in their local markets and become their community’s roofer of choice.

In this month’s workshop, learn some great tips on adding social media to an effective marketing campaign or schedule a free marketing call with Chris at for more great info.

In addition, click here to get a free copy of Chris’ book, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Roofers,” and learn how to implement social media into a complete, evergreen marketing strategy that will bring results for years to come, regardless of trends!

Need Social Media Digital Marketing Help? Knows Social Media Digital Marketing for Roofers!

Call Us At 888-308-2168 For More Info!

The post The 2024 Social Media Playbook for Roofing Companies! first appeared on

Categories: RoofingSites

About the Author: Chris Hunter



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