Categories: RoofingSites

by Chris Hunter


An essential detail that roofing company owners must understand to keep their businesses growing is the connection between marketing and sales as well as how they differ.

Business marketing may be the first step for getting leads and attracting customers, but without a strong sales team to support those efforts, roofers likely won’t get a great return on their marketing investment.

These tips on improving the sales process can help!

Why Does Great Marketing Not Generate Good Sales Results?

When roofers track positive results with their marketing analytics, many are often surprised when their great marketing numbers do not produce the sales expected.

Often, the blame is put on some kind of marketing failure regardless of what the numbers are saying when in fact, the failure usually occurs with the sales team.

Marketing and sales are intimately connected, so much so that unless sales function as a continuation of marketing efforts, an untrained or unskilled sales staff can dissolve any positive marketing results, significantly increasing the cost of every lead and actual sale that is eventually landed.

What Is The Leading Quality A Great Salesperson Must Have?

No matter how much a roofer spends on their marketing and how many leads they bring in, if their salespeople cannot build rapport with those leads, getting those sales will be difficult.

Building that rapport starts with being a good listener and not with a wordy sales pitch.

Salespeople must listen to customer concerns as well as complaints and ask them questions that prove that they are listening, then listen again to the answers to those questions.

This display of trustworthiness will go a long way to convince a customer to buy from that person when they feel as though they are being heard.

Noting this, salespeople must have a mindset of focusing on customer needs and wants as opposed to actually making the sale.

These and other techniques create the rapport that turns trust into sales in support of effective marketing results.

Watch How To Boost Marketing Results With Better Sales

In this week’s Roofer Growth Hacks episode, Chris from speaks with Hugh Liddle of Red Cap Sales Coaching about the main reasons why roofers are not landing enough sales despite their marketing investments and what they can do to improve.

Get More Roofing Sales With Effective Training That Works!

There is a valid reason why many buyers say they don’t trust salespeople if those salespeople just talk without actually communicating.

Fortunately, when salespeople improve their communication skills by listening and focusing on relationships rather than dollars, positive marketing efforts can still generate positive sales results.

Learn these techniques and more in this informative episode and for other marketing help, visit and schedule a free marketing call with Chris.

Access many marketing and business management resources there and click this link to download a free copy of Chris’ book, “The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing for Roofers” today!

Battling with Roofing Companies Marketing?

Contact For Help With Marketing for Roofers!

Call 888-308-2168 To Get The Marketing Help You Need!

The post The Recipe for Priceless Marketing with Hugh Liddle! first appeared on

Categories: RoofingSites

About the Author: Chris Hunter



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